In these last couple of weeks of Medicare open enrollment, Missourians need to be aware that some healthcare plans offer extra benefits that can help them save money if they qualify. Those who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid coverage may be eligible for a Dual Special Needs Plan, often known as a "D-SNP" (D-snip).
Missouri's sweltering summer has led people working in the agriculture sector and at other outdoor jobs to voice concerns about heat exposure and their own health and safety. The state has no heat-related safety standards for these industries.
The Missouri health department has acknowledged that it has used national data to estimate Missouri’s racial breakdown, rather than data based on the state's population. That information has been a source of frustration for local health officials working to ensure that vaccine distribution is equitable. State officials now plan to use 2019 U.S. Census data from Missouri but say some parts of the data remain problematic.