This week we're playing the latest from Grimes. "We Appreciate Power" is inspired by Moranbong, a North Korean music group hand-picked by Kim Jong-un that…
It's that time of year again, to get sick of the year's music and just listen to the Pixies through January. LOL jk. I figured out that I played music…
This week we're featuring new music from the YouTube android sensation known as Poppy. Not even NPR’s Scott Simon could get the presumed earth human from…
Kurt Vile, much like Kurt Weill, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7IOGSjrxP8">was once a clue on Jeopardy! Unlike the German composer of The Threepenny…
This week on Left of the Dial, KRCU’s independent music program, we hear new music from St. Vincent, whose MassEducation reworks the electropop of last…
This week we hear from the New York band Pill, whose new song "Midtown" takes phrases from the more lurid headlines out of the New York Post. We’ll also…
This week on Left of the Dial, KRCU’s independent music program, we hear from the Norwegian musician Farao. As a fan of Soviet disco she’s amassed a…
It's membership week here at KRCU so every song on this week's show is a cover. We even have an hour entirely comprised of '80s songs. We’ll then…
This week we've got new music from Christine and the Queens, the project of French musician Héloïse Letissier. She adopted that moniker from the local…
This week we've got new music from Punch Brothers. They brilliantly merge the sounds of bluegrass with that of modern classical. Listeners of Live from…