Last Saturday was a day of celebration, filled with "Pomp and Circumstance," mortar boards with tassels, and the feeling of accomplishment as 723 RedHawks concluded their academic journey with graduation. The benefits of being one of only 750 communities in the U.S. that host a public 4-year higher education institution can’t be overstated.
Each year, SEMO attracts thousands of students from around the world here to Cape Girardeau as they pursue a wide variety of educational endeavors. While some of those students are from our region, many come from farther away, and their time in Cape Girardeau is a chance to connect, build relationships and hopefully connect them with a great opportunity to stick around once they graduate.
Graduates who remain in the area contribute directly to the local talent pool, filling gaps in industries such as healthcare, technology, manufacturing, and business. Partnerships between higher education institutions and local employers further enhance workforce readiness by offering internships, apprenticeships, and hands-on experience.
Investing in higher education means investing in the long-term prosperity of the community. By supporting local graduates, we build a more resilient economy and ensure a steady pipeline of skilled workers who are ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s industries.
Congratulations to the 528 students who completed their bachelor’s degree, the 189 students completing a master’s degree and the six specialist degree conferees. The business community is proud of your accomplishment, wish you success and want you to know you always have a place to call home here in Southeast Missouri.