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To Your Health

To Your Health: A Very COVID Halloween

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One for All Missouri states that traditional Halloween activities like trick or treating or going to parties can increase your chances of catching and spreading COVID-19. However, celebrating holidays can be important during challenging times.

There are ways to safely keep some Halloween traditions, or you could get creative and wind up with a new tradition that lasts long after the pandemic is over!

If you are giving out treats, keep in mind these guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

• Give out treats outdoors
• Avoid direct contact with trick-or-treaters by setting  up a station with individually bagged treats for kids to take.
• Wash hands before handling treats.
• Wear a cloth face covering; costume masks are not a substitute.

If you will be taking kids trick or treating, bring hand sanitizer with you and use it after touching objects or other people. Stay at least 6 feet away from others who do not live with you. Make your cloth face covering part of your costume, but don’t put a costume mask on top of a cloth mask, which can make breathing difficult.

Consider some fun activities that are alternatives to parties, such as a simple pumpkin carving or horror movie night with the people you live with, or something that can involve more people and might require a little more planning, like a neighborhood costume parade, or a spooky movie projected outdoors. 

Dr. Brooke Hildebrand Clubbs is an assistant professor in the Department of Leadership, Middle & Secondary Education. She writes for special publications of The Southeast Missourian and is a certified Community Health Worker.
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