90.9 Cape Girardeau | 88.9-HD Ste. Genevieve | 88.7 Poplar Bluff

Ruler Foods To Open Next Week

Jacob McCleland

The new Ruler Foods store on William Street in Cape Girardeau will open next Thursday.

Ruler Foods is a discount grocery store owned by Kroger. Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce vice president Tim Arbeiter says it’s comparable to Aldi’s.

“This would be a Krogers version of that, looking at most of the Kroger brands and value-type brands in the store,” Arbeiter said. “It would be more in that Aldi category.” 

The grocery store will go into the old DuShell’s Furniture store on William Street. Arbeiter said crews finishing work on the store.

“They are on target with their construction schedule,” Arbeiter said. “They are getting close to the goal line.”

A new traffic signal has been installed at the intersection of William Street and Sheridan Drive to accommodate extra traffic near the Ruler Foods store.

Cape Girardeau city engineer Casey Brunke said drivers find it difficult to make left or right hand turns off Sheridan Drive onto William.

“We have a new development going there with Ruler Foods. We anticipate traffic there,” Brunke said. “This is just going to give everyone an outlet and a safe way to maneuver back onto William from Sheridan.”

Ruler Foods is covering about $50 thousand of the cost for the traffic signal as part of a cost-sharing agreement with the city. Brunke says the overall cost of the stoplight is an estimated $165 thousand.

The stoplight will be in flash mode beginning Friday and will be in full operation on Tuesday morning.

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