More than halfof babies born in the U.K.are delivered by midwives, while in the U.S., only around10 percent of deliverieshave amidwife present. The use of doulasiseven lower.
Butas the only developing countrywherethe maternal mortality rate is rising, more people are hoping to improve their outcomes. And they may have a good reason to integrate midwives and doulas into the process. One study foundthat states which make it easier for midwives to care for babies and mothers havefewer preterm and underweight births and require fewer cesarean section deliveries. Studieson mothers who were matched with a doulahad similarimproved outcomes. And for women of color, who have the highest maternal mortality rate,midwives and doulasare offering new hope.
This doesn’t mean to ditch the doctor just yet.Often doulas and midwives are being integrated intoour current health care system.
So, what does that look like? And whatexactlydo midwives and doulas do?
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